文章轉錄自Yahoo News(點此連結);文章主要論述:在亞太地區的國家,其反同性戀的法律(或宣告同性戀為違法的法律)將愛滋病感染率推至令人擔憂的水平之上。在文章末尾,附上《Elizabeth Pisani:性交,毒品,HIV—讓我們理智起來》此演講;在此不特別宣導關於愛滋病的衛教資訊(有興趣請點此連結:衛教資訊);第一、個體與疾病的關係是基於更大的社會脈絡上,對疾病這看不見的敵人,如何看待、如何應對,正是反應那個時代與文化中的人們其價值及精神;第二、我們可不可以接受我們的健康與大環境有關?而這「大環境」除了自然環境(如上篇所討論),還有人所創造的社會環境:法律制度、文化觀念等等(譬如:電視上過多暴力及血腥畫面會增加人們暴力行為,電視上頻頻報導自殺新聞將會增加人們自殺的機率),但不論你接不接受你的生命及健康跟你周遭很多很多你不以為意的事物有關,面對愛滋病真的需要理智,將疾病污名化並不會減少疾病的發生,病毒是不分信仰的。

Yahoo! News 

Anti-gay laws spreading HIV in Asia-Pacific: UN

Wed Jul 21, 8:38 am ET
VIENNA (AFP) – Laws criminalizing gay sex in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region is pushing infection rates of HIV and AIDS to "alarming" levels, the United Nations Development Programme said Wednesday.

"Some 19 of 48 countries in the Asia Pacific region continue to criminalize male-to-male sex," UNDP said at the World AIDS Conference being held in Vienna this week.

"These laws often taken on the force of vigilantism, frequently leading to abuse and human rights violations. Correspondingly, HIV prevalence has reached alarming levels among men who have sex with men and transgender populations in many countries of the region," the statement said.

A new report, commissioned by UNDP and the Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM), found that by criminalizing gay men and transsexuals, people were being denied access to treatment and health services.

"Repressive legal environments institutionalize discrimination, limit funding and in effect obstruct the participation of men who have sex with men and transgender people in protecting themselves and their families, friends and communities from HIV," said Jeff O'Malley, director of UNDP's HIV Practice.

And he called for the abolition of "punitive laws and discriminatory practices."

APCOM head Shivananda Khan said that unnecessary infection could be prevented by ensuring that "all citizens of a country, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity can access health services."

The report's author, John Goodwin said that "comprehensive and rights-based HIV responses among men who have sex with men and transgender people can occur only when a conducive and enabling legal environment is created."

Elizabeth Pisani:性交,毒品,HIV—讓我們理智起來

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